Things That Are Trifling

Thoughts on Food, Gender, Race, and Popular Culture


I think the reviews of this BIC Pen for women are hilarious and on point.  Some highlights:

“Wow. Before this product came along, I wasn’t taken seriously at my job. I was finally promoted to Director, after signing approvals on my $2.2m budget with this pen. Granted, I had to “go the extra mile”. I dotted my “I”s and crossed my “t”s, if you know what I mean. But all those womanly (pen) strokes really paid off. My Administrative Assistant wants a set too, but I just don’t think he’s got the right kind of grip. It takes a womanly pen in a man’s world to get ahead.”

“I, like many other women have posted here, was beyond thrilled to have a pen made just for me. Pretty colors. Delicate handling. A promise/hope of maybe a unicorn or princess special edition being produced. Sending a message that yes, I’m a WOMAN! Don’t believe me? Look down at my hand…see that pen…there it is…PROOF! Armed with pens made just for her I could take on the world. Goodbye glass ceiling! Hello equal pay! Goodbye trans vaginal ultrasound! But then my shining star of hope in the sky imploded on itself like a sad space dwarf, creating the black hole that is now my life.”

“This pen was fantastic in the sleek tender way only Bic knows how to be. But as soon as I slipped up and let it know I was of the male gender, it all of a sudden became all psycho and wouldnt let me write with it any more, and tried to repeatedly stab me in the neck, eyes, and butt. So I gave it 5 stars as a fantastic self defense tool for woman as well as a wonderful pen (if you’re a woman).”




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